Monday, June 28, 2021

The End of an Era

Malo Soifua!!!

Today on the Elder Hill Show:
  • We made a large push in this mission to "adjust our mindset" about finding people, so I'm excited to see what kinds of progress we can make in the next bit
  • Pride Day here was wack
  • We had our last testimony meeting with Pres and Sis Teuscher last night. (They leave tomorrow morning 😭)
We had a large zoom meeting with everyone in the mission during the week, and it was really interesting. Elder Money (what a name, right?), one of the APs, gave a powerful training on changing our mindset about finding. Our mission has done really well, but our expectations for finding have decreased over the past few years, and it's high time we bring back that fire for finding people. We made a plan as a mission to try and find a LOT of people this transfer, and I think we can do it. It'll be a grind, but I'm excited to see what blessings come out of it.

Pres Teuscher also spoke during the meeting, and he showed us how the work in the NYNYC Mission has improved in the time that he has been president (he never credited himself. He only pointed to us as the reason for the growth). He told us that we are now about 3x as efficient and successful in our finding, teaching, and baptizing than we were three years ago when he came in. He strongly encouraged us to keep that trend going, and to keep improving with time.

Last night (Sunday), we had a testimony meeting for the miracles we've seen in the past month. At the end, Pres and Sis Teuscher opened a gift from the mission and let us see it. We had all sent in memories or messages to the Teuschers, and they were all compiled into a beautifully made book that was given to them. They were visibly emotional when they read through it, and they shared a brief but sweet testimony of the work (they also invited us all to visit them when we each get home lol). 

The Holmes' arrive today into the mission field, and they'll be meeting a bit with the Teuschers. Tomorrow the Teuschers fly home, and Pres and Sis Holmes will conduct a mission tour to meet all of the missionaries. I'm grateful for the Teuschers, and for all of their love and work to help me grow personally, and to help this while mission and city grow as well. I'll miss them a lot, but I'm also very excited to meet President and Sister Holmes tomorrow and start working with them!

Last note, on a very different topic haha. Pride day was wack in Manhattan. Now I'll say nothing on the topic of Pride itself. It sufficeth me to say that this city has been a liiittle wild the whole month of June (Pride Month), but yesterday (Pride Day) was absolutely crazy. There were TONS of people on the streets from noon til like 8pm. Nothing specific or bad happened, it was just wack seeing so many people out and about, in various stages of revelry. Good times. Elder Wall and I kept our heads down so to speak, just being careful in our walking to and from the church building throughout the day.

Mafaufauga faaleagaga: Something that Pres Teuscher told us during our big Zoom meeting earlier in the week was that at the beginning of 2020 this mission was at a standstill as far as progression was concerned. Things were going really well, but there had been no improvement for about six months. And then covid hit. Instead of rolling over and giving up, this mission, and all of the amazing missionaries serving in it, took covid and turned it into a means to find and teach new people. As a result, during 2020 and into 2021, we broke through that wall and saw a very large improvement in finding, teaching, and baptizing converts. That really just confirms the words in the Standard of Truth that "no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing." Despite covid, despite all the trials and tragedies that we all faced, the work of the Lord moves forward, and it always will until "the great Jehovah shall say 'the work is done'."

Alofa tele lava atu ia outou,
Elder Hill

  • There was a really beautiful sunset on Tuesday (so I took an appropriately large amount of pictures hehe)
  • My comp on the subway 😎
  • Made some awesome new friends the other day, we met them under weird circumstances a few weeks back, and just met them again a few days ago. They are super nice and have "adopted" us for however long we're in Manhattan 😂
  • Pres and Sis Teuscher in their last mission zoom meeting 😭😭

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Songful Gospel videos

Elder Hill has created and posted in Facebook some videos which he has titled Songful Gospel.  He is teaching himself how to play guitar.  In each video, he shares some brief instruction on guitar chords for a song of praise and worship.  He finishes each video by playing and singing the song.  

Log into Facebook before clicking on these links.

"Come, Come Ye Saints"

"For the Beauty of the Earth

Monday, June 21, 2021

Hybrid Grind

Malo Soifua!!!

Today on the Elder Hill Show:
  • Our Stake President and his family are literally the best
  • A lot of finality about this week, being the end of the transfer and almost the end of the Teuschers' presidency
  • Personal revelation is important stuff, but it's also way cool
Biggest news of the week is there were more changes in covid restrictions. In both the family ward and the MSA ward, all mask mandates are gone for vaccinated individuals, and a lot of meetings are back in person. It was so weird seeing everyone's faces (some for the first time ever), but it's been really nice to get some semblance of normalcy back.

Also on the mission front, Pres Teuscher told us that we are now authorized to contact people on the streets and public transit, as well as knock doors, if we need to or have some spare time. With the success that we saw during covid with finding through social media, physical contacting will now take less precedence, but it is now an available alternative or time filler if an appointment falls through or we're traveling somewhere. It's very new ground for me, and I'm not quite confident in my abilities to make conversation with random people on the street, but we're just doing what we can. Most missionaries that even remember street contacting pre-covid are going home in the next transfer or two, so most of us will just have to learn how to do it by trial and error.

We got to have an in-home visit with President Cropper (Manhattan Stake President) and his family, and they're literally that best. We had a long debate with Sis Cropper about whether or not she owed us food or ought to have made dinner for us (she said yes and we said no), and it ended in a stalemate, haha. We shared a message, and we had a really good discussion about it. After our visit, Pres Cropper walked us down to the entry of their luxury apartment building and introduced us to his doorman, Hector. Pres Cropper had promised Hector a while ago that one day he would give him a Book of Mormon, and that day he finally made good on his promise. Hector was so cool, and was genuinely interested, so we talked for a few minutes, gave him our number and a Book of Mormon, and invited him to read it! The Croppers are a great influence on him, and I'm just hoping and praying that I'll still be on this area when he starts getting taught.

This week was week 6 of the transfer period (the last week), and that meant a lot of stuff was happening. We listened to the departing testimonies of the 31 departing missionaries during a few morning devotionals, and that was real sad. Half of our district here is dying this transfer as well, so that makes it all the sadder (though we're all excited for these awesome Elders and Sisters to go home and do great things). Today also marks the beginning of Pres and Sis Teuscher's last week as Mission President and Companion. Pres and Sis Holmes get here on June 28th, and the Teuschers leave the next day. I'm super excited for the Holmeses to get here, but I'm also going to really miss the Teuschers. They have done so much for this mission as a whole and for each missionary personally, myself included. I'm the words of yours truly (probably not originally mine, but I do use them):
"Times do be changin'."

Mafaufauga faaleagaga: I was thinking about receiving personal revelation, and two thoughts came to mind. The first is a quote by Elder Renlund in a recent Missionary devotional. He said, "It is arrogant and unhelpful to demand revelation or put a deadline on the Lord." I love that comment, and I think it really is important. We all should ask God questions we may have, or bring to Him concerns that are troubling us. Often, He promises to answer or bless us simply because we asked. But that is not always the case. Sometimes, a little more work is involved, and we have to be willing and humble enough to submit to the Lord's timing and put in our own elbow grease until the blessings come.
The second thought I had is based on the first. Do not force an answer or revelation to come, or you will open yourself up to be misled. When we ask with faith and sincerity, we are promised that we will always receive an answer. If we try to force or expect an answer, we become susceptible to finding wrong answers that will lead us to greater confusion or doubts, and farther away from God. Always ask in faith, and always listen for the answers that will come, but don't try to corner God into coming on your cue. (It's not gonna end well lol)

Guys, God is so good! I can't say it enough, but it's honestly so true. If you don't believe me, please feel free to tell me, and I'd love to talk about it with you.

Alofa tele lava atu ia outou,
Elder Hill

  • UnionChinaSquareTown district pics (Union Square and Chinatown)
  • Found a street-ball court
  • Bunch of cool stuff at night
  • Elder Call & me (AZ gang)
  • Had a fun Samoan-language-practice call with Sista Maa (Stone) and Sista Maka (Macarilay)

Monday, June 14, 2021

This Church Don't Play

Malo Soifua!!!

Today on the Elder Hill Show:
  • It took half a sister's mission, but ladies and gentlemen, we got 'im
  • We also had another round of in-person Zone Conference, which was super fun
  • A lot of stuff changed this week, restrictions wise, and it's sooo nice haha
  • Also yeah, TONY GOT BAPTIZED WOOO HOOOO (he's an absolute legend)
I'll break my usual pattern and talk about the baptism first because it was absolutely incredible. Tony's family was able to come (they had said previously that they couldn't), and it was an amazing meeting. He was baptized by McAllister Whiting, a priest in the ward, and a fellowshipper/friend to Tony. Two other friends, Ladd Cropper (another YM) and his mom, were the witnesses. Finally, Bro Morgan, Tony's YM advisor, did the confirmation. Standing in the circle were Bro Morgan, Bro Poon (bishopric), Pres Cropper and Pres Whiting (Ladd's dad and stake president, and McAllister's dad and counselor in the stake presidency respectively), Elder Wall and myself. I've never got to be a part of a confirmation as a Melchizedek Priesthood holder, and it was a really cool experience. Tony loved the ordinance, and he's super excited to continue on this path. He also got ordained as a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood yesterday after church, and he's asked about what's it like serving a full-time mission too. I'm so proud of this kid, and I'm so excited to see where he goes in life.

In other news, we had another fantastic in-person Zone Conference this week at the temple meetinghouse. Pres Teuscher talked about love, specifically the first great commandment to love the Lord first. I'll share more of my thoughts below i le mafaufauga faaleagaga. After Zone Conference, they gave us all some presents: a piece of Teuscher chocolate (expensive and mega delicious) (the name is just a coincidence, as it's not a Teuscher family business), a small copy of a painting by Eva Timothy (a famous painter and NYC mission alum), another small version of a really cool painting of Christ looking at Manhattan (made by another NYC mission alum. The original hangs in the mission home), a NYNYC Mission sticker, and a temple recommend with the Manhattan temple and the NYNYC Mission sticker on it. It was super special, and also pretty emotional, this being the Teuschers' last Zone conference. After all was said and done, we each got to take one last picture with them.

Finally, Covid restrictions changed dramatically here this past weekend. First, in a Friday night PSA meeting, Pres and Sis Teuscher told us that if we're fully vaccinated, we no longer have to wear masks in public or when gathering as missionaries. The only exceptions are in places or meetings where masks are explicitly required (i.e., on the metro). Also, in the family ward, they stopped spacing out cups in the sacrament trays as much (both for simplicity but also to better handle to growing attendance). In the MSA ward, Bishop Dijkwel announced that the Zoom broadcast is discontinued, effectively immediately (we also had the sacrament at its normal spot in the middle of the program, and it felt so weird). He also said that if you're vaccinated, you don't have to wear a mask while seated. So yeah, crazy times are a-comin'. My biggest hope is that this means that I'm closer to going to Samoa, but still no word on that yet (the "yet" is important lol).

Mafaufauga faaleagaga: In Pres Teuscher's talk in Zone Conference, he said something I absolutely loved. He said: "many of you probably think that your mission is a gift to God, or that it's "tithing" on your life. But remember, the covenant you made in the temple isn't tithing. It's consecration. When you go home, take off the name tag, and change out of your uniform, you are still every bit as much the Lord's as you are right now." That hit me hard, and it really made me think. I've heard a lot the idea of leaving everything behind for the mission, but Pres Teuscher made it clear that you can't really just go back to the things you left behind. Some things will still be there afterwards, but like Peter and his fishing nets, we have to drop them and walk away in order to follow Christ. As always, think on that as you will.

God is sooooo good, guys. The weather this week has been cooler than last weekend, and I thank God everyday for a break from the sweltering heat. Look for God in the details, and you will find Him there.

Alofa tele lava atu ia outou,
Elder Hill

  • The parents of one of Elder Wall's were in town, and they took us to the oldest pizzeria in the US (I think?)
  • Pic w/ Elder Vegi (Vernon), who is also headed to Samoa someday
  • Pic w/ Pres & Sis Teuscher
  • Teuscher chocolate is mega good
  • Cool leafy wall on the walk to the church
  • Cool street
  • Empire State Building shrouded in clouds or whatever that is
  • TONY'S BAPTISM WOOOO (ft. McAllister, the great legend of a fellowshipper)
  • Also the YM gang (L to R: Bro Morgan, Ladd Cropper, McAllister, Tony, me, Elder Wall, Bro Poon)

Monday, June 7, 2021

An Arm, a Leg, and a Corvette

[....but we have no idea what Elder Hill means by that subject line...]

Malo Soifua!!!

Today on the Elder Hill Show:
  • AC is literally what Heaven is made of, I'm convinced
  • Met some great members, and they gave us muffins, so that was fun
  • We got a referral from one our great friends here, and he's awesome too!
  • I started a new show/series/live/thingy on Facebook for every Thursday evening where I teach guitar chords/hymns, and y'all should check it out!
  • I was not expecting it when it happened...and it happened twice... Read more below, hehe
So this was pretty fun. Our apartment doesn't have AC, and it started getting really hot and humid, so things were a bit dismal. During the week, however, someone recommended that we call our missionary housing coordinator and ask him about it. We did so, and literally the next day a handyman showed up with two window AC units, and he installed them for us. I cannot tell you guys enough just how beautiful AC really is. Arizona is pretty bad, don't get me wrong, but take that heat, and add the boiling water of Old Faithful into the air, and you've got a proper, humid NYC experience. Needless to say, the church is true, and we now have AC.

One of our friends that we're teaching randomly told us one day during a lesson that he had been talking with one of his friends named Tyrone, and he was also pretty interested in what we had to say! We got Tyrone's number, and we called him the next day, and he's also a super cool guy! We had a great first lesson, and he's pretty interested. Unfortunately, he lives in the Bronx, so we'll have to pass him off to the elders there. We also learned that our friend that referred him actually lives in Harlem, so we'll have to refer HIM too. Major rip.

In other news, TONY PASSED HIS BAPTISMAL INTERVIEW!!! He met with Elder Beach, and he said that the interview went really well! Tony is super excited to be baptized, and the ward is just as excited, if not more (see the spiritual thought for more on that). His baptism is this Saturday, and we're down to just the final preparations, and we're all super excited!!

In regards to that last point on the Elder Hill Show bulletin, we had our first call with a friend that we're hoping to start teaching tomorrow, and she had some crazy stuff to talk about. She's had a lot of pretty crazy and pretty hard things happen recently, and she is looking for a way up and out as it were. In one of her lowest moments, she found herself entangled in some dark things that are much better left alone, and she was worried that she had "gone too far." After hearing her talk about what normally is a unique and one-in-a-million type story, I was surprised to remember that I had taught someone in Staten Island  who had faced an almost identical situation. I was transferred here before I finished helping that friend in Staten, but I was still able to share some insight and testimony based on things I had learned and studied previously. It was exactly what she needed to hear, and she seems really eager to continue meeting with us. Hopefully she accepts the things we teach, because I think she's come to the right place to find the love and peace that she's been looking for for a long time.

Mafaufauga faaleagaga: Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting, and it was absolutely amazing. Tony came to church (as usual because he's a beast).  An old man I didn't recognize got up from the front row to bear the first testimony of the meeting. One of the first things he said was, "Tony, I was about 14, too, when I met the missionaries." And that did it. It was like it was just him and Tony in a room together, and he bore powerful testimony to Tony about baptism and its blessings. Everything was perfect, and Tony absolutely loved it. A little later, another woman (also a long-time convert) spoke, and she too spoke almost directly to Tony, saying all of the things he needed to hear. Finally, little Jeynaliz, our 9 yr old best friend who was baptized just before I got to this area, stood up and bore a short testimony about how she was baptized recently, and it was the best decision she had ever made, and she was grateful to finally be a part of "the right church". She had never borne a testimony before, but her short and sweet words iced the cake, and gave Tony all the strength he needed, and more, to be baptized. The power of fasting is real, and the power of testimony is real. Always look for opportunities to testify of what you know, whether or not you're in church. I promise that you will be blessed for it.

Alofa tele lava atu ia outou,
Elder Hill

  • Some fun sunset pics from a walk home from a member's apartment (ft. Elder Wall and his kendama)
  • A real janky subway station with hexagonal lights
  • The One World Trade Center tower being struck by lightning (not my pic, but cool so I stole it lol)
  • What a real NYC deli sausage pizza looks like (they're mad good)

So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish

Malo Soifua!!! Today on the season finale of the Elder Hill Show:  ** Had a cool finding miracle on Tuesday (exhausting, but good)  ** Coup...