Monday, November 9, 2020

"Jesus Was An Illigal Immigrant!!!"

Malo soifua!!!

This week was rather uneventful mainly because we had a bunch of people fall through on their lessons or appointments with us. Probably at least one person a day (sometimes two or three or four) would just never answer the phone, or text and say their busy, so that's fun. We did our best to keep finding and contacting, so that's something at least. The missionary grind is real, and the struggle is real. But hey, I get blessed even when the lessons don't happen, so it ain't too bad. 

A super interesting thing happened this week. We're teaching a man named Ken as well as his five boys. His boys, those who are old enough, are already baptized, so we're just working on getting Ken to come to church. He's taken basically all of the lessons, he just needs to figure out church and work, and then he can get baptized. One complication is his wife Regina. He's not against him or her sons joining our church, but she's content with her own, and she's never joined our lessons. I've literally never seen or heard her before (there's always just a loud TV in the other room whenever we're over there).  The interesting thing is that somehow she connected with the sister missionaries on Facebook, and they've talked a little bit. She's not suddenly wanting to be baptized, but the fact that she's talking to missionaries is big (chatting, not lessons). She apparently told the sisters, who told us right after, that Regina was planning on bringing her boys to our church in two weeks!! That's super huge because they haven't gone in months. Ken usually has work, Regina doesn't want to come, and the boys can't drive themselves. But now apparently she's committed to bringing them soon. Hopefully that goes well, and hopefully we can get Ken to come too, to bring the whole family together to church. (prayers would be much appreciated). 

Today for P-day, Elder Checketts, Elder Siu and I went to the Staten Island Ferry, and we rode it to Manhattan and back. We're actually not supposed to leave Staten at all on P-days haha, but we're allowed to take the ferry as long as we come straight back. So yeah, that was a lot of fun, and I got some good pictures. 

In other news, ELDER SIU IS GOING BACK TO HONG KONG!!! He found out less than a week ago, and he's super excited (except for the two week quarantine in a hotel haha). He leaves this Saturday in the morning, so Elder Checketts and I will be by ourselves for at least a week. If we don't get another companion next transfer, we'll be a duo until the new year.

To explain the subject line: the misspelling of 'illegal' is from a warning sign we saw by our laundromat (pic below). The full quote is from a less active member we called. Elder Siu mentioned covid, and she went off on a huge rant about how drinking and bathing in really hot water kills covid, and then how it's Trump's fault that covid happened, and then how it's also his fault that illegal immigrants are being sent home (she's Liberian, and she's livid that Mexicans who "jump the fence" are just sent home and not accepted), and then about how our "Christian country" isn't Christian anymore because we don't accept immigrants because, as we all know, "Jesus was an illegal immigrant." She talked for nearly 20 minutes before we could jump back in, leave five words of spiritual thought, and then leave as fast as we could. She seemed like a nice enough lady; we just aren't ready yet to lose our hearing at such a young age lol. 

Anyways the work moves forward. Sometimes it moves slowly, but it always moves. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing, and that includes politics, covid, and good old-fashioned New-Yorker attitude. We've not made a whole ton of progress with our friends, but we've made some good progress with the members, which I think is just as important. So yeah, life here is good, and God is great.

Alofa tele lava atu outou, 
Elder Hill 

  • Spooky hallway in the church building 
  • Not mission related, but election related, and it's hilarious (cast list meme) 
  • It be fall here (red tree, road) 
  • This light shines on this painting of Christ, and I love it
  • Elder Checketts got a new hat (we do actually work here, I promise) 
  • "Illigally" 
  • A few pics from the ferry ride (water, ferry, Lady Liberty) 
  • Someone parked behind us, and we had places to go (turned out it was the landlord, and he's pretty chill, so it's all good)
  • Night pic of the city (we had to drive to Brooklyn to pic up a covid test for Elder Siu) 

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