Monday, February 8, 2021


** Elder Hill's street address has been updated.  8 Navy Pier Ct, not 7 Navy Pier Ct, as originally posted **

Malo Soifua!!!

So this week was super busy. First off, it snowed a LOT. It started on Sunday of last week, and it ended this past Tuesday. Then just yesterday, another few inches fell from the sky to ice in the first dumping. I'm the designated driver, so I got to drive around this week in the snow and ice, so that was very exciting.  The roads were cleared and salted pretty quickly, so there really hasn't been much of the "icy road" driving that I had worried about.

On Wednesday morning, we woke up and were getting ready for a normal day when the Office Elders texted us and said, "Hey, we are picking up the key to your new apartment today. Be ready to move in about four hours." Elder Kelley and I frantically packed our bags and boxes (luckily we had begun basic packing a few days before), and did some last-minute cleaning. The Office Elders showed up in the mission van, and we loaded it to take to our new apartment. Throughout the process of parking their van, loading it, and driving to our new apartment, we had to shovel out and push their van at least three times, and our own car once. The snow on the road was fairly deep, and it had gotten super slushy and slippery, so the tires kept spinning out. We got her unstuck, and we transported everything to our new apartment. The next day we went back to our old apartment one last time to remove the remaining stuff we couldn't get on Wednesday. We dropped a bunch of stuff at the church building (which has lowkey become our storage unit for some stuff), and we brought the rest home to put away.

Our new apartment is pretty nice, and I'm really excited to live here. It's part of an apartment complex (think really big, really fancy hotel), and it is much smaller than our last apartment, but the trade-offs are nice. For one, it has much better and much more heating and hot water. Also, IT HAS A WASHER AND DRYER. I never realized just how nice it could be to have your own laundry machines until I had to use a laundromat for a few months. Machines are so much nicer, and they make our lives so much easier, haha.

For those who care (and even for those who don't care), my new address is:
8 Navy Pier Ct, Staten Island, NY 10306, Apt 4011

We had a really wack experience the other day that I thought I'd share. We were calling some less actives in our ward to see how they're doing, and to see if they're interested in coming back to church at all. We called this one sister's number, and a woman picked up. We asked "Hello is this Sister so-and-so?" She said "No, sorry, no one lives here by that name". We apologized, and we were about to hang up when she said "I  used to talk with you guys." Elder Kelley and I looked at each other, and asked her what she meant by that. She explained that she wasn't the less active we were trying to reach, but she was a woman some previous sister missionaries had taught a little while ago! She mentioned that she wasn't super interested in being baptized, but she agreed to meet with us again and discuss her beliefs and her experiences with the sisters from before. I've got no idea how it'll turn out, but hey, it was weird but really cool.

Mafaufauga faaleagaga: Interference beats.
Elder Van, my district leader, suggested a really cool BYU devotional for me to listen to by a woman named Rebecca Schroeder. She talks about musical "interference beats" and how different sounds have different wavelengths. When two notes have the same wavelength, they are in perfect unison. She tied it into our relationship with God. Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are in perfect unison with each other, but we're usually a little out of tune with them. As we try to repent and be better in our own lives, we can spiritually tune ourselves to be in perfect harmony with our Father, and we can become more like Him. In addition, as we try to be more like Him, we will feel of His love and His blessings in our own lives.

God is good, and He loves all of us. It's my privilege to be able to travel, meet new people, and share God's endless love with them. It's pretty good stuff, not gonna lie.

Alofa tele lava atu ia outou,
Elder Hill

  • Today was "P-day with the Boys" so we took a ride on the Staten Island Ferry to Manhattan and back, and we got some cool pics of Lady Liberty, another ferry, the water and sun, and Manhattan.
  • So much snow
  • Snow at our new apartment
  • More snow
  • Yep, still snow
  • Sigh.....
  • ......snow
  • My new study desk at our new apartment, complete with fourth floor people-watching capabilities 😂😂

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