Monday, April 26, 2021

Genetics is a Myth

Malo Soifua!!!

Today on the Elder Hill Show:
  • Elder Hamilton punched a computer.....again
  • Don't go to Texas or Florida. Just....just don't.
  • Cookie butter is actually really good (#themoreyouknow)
  • "Yeah no, Elder Hamilton wouldn't fit"
  • Sister Jensen doesn't want to change her last name much
So this week was fun, and by fun I mean a lot of things went wrong and we got really frustrated a couple of times. BUT, it all worked out in the end, so that's all that really matters. Like I usually say to people, it's always a good day. Sometimes it harder to see why, but it's always a good day.

Cindy decided to go to Florida for two weeks or so, which means she can't get baptized on May 9th, which is super sad. She really wanted to, and she was just about ready, but she needs to come to church in person a couple more times, and she told us she won't be able to do that while in Florida. Also Kyron took a week-long trip to Texas, so that's also really frustrating. We're trying to help him progress, but we're kind of stagnating with him. He is a super cool guy, but he's not sure he wants to commit yet. He also has a lot of janky beliefs, like the aforementioned mythology of human genetics (he attributes most of it to dieting). He did agree to read and pray about the Book of Mormon, so that was a huge tender mercy. Hopefully he likes what he reads, and he wants to come closer to Christ. He really is a cool guy, and I want to keep  working with him (for all of my ATLA friends, think Guru Pathik from season 2, but younger and with dope dreadlocks).

So yeah, prayers for Cindy and Kyron and for Tony and Angie (two other friends who are doing well, but just need some uplift) would be much appreciated.

Yesterday we had an MSA munch and mingle type social before their church meetings. We all met in the basement and ate apple slices dipped in either peanut butter, cookie butter, or Nutella. I had never tried cookie butter before (at least I don't remember it), so I was very happy to discover that it tastes delicious. During the mingle, I got to know some of the members pretty well, and we had some fun conversations. In one with Mary, a recent convert, she was telling us and Bishop Dijkwel ("dike-well") about how she bought a new car and was working as a delivery driver. She was describing her car when she paused, looked up at Elder Hamilton (she's a short Asian lady) and said with a laugh "oh, you wouldn't fit in it." In another conversation, Sister Jensen was telling Fabrizio (another recent convert) that she wants to marry someone with a last name close enough to her own (i.e. "Johnson" instead of "Jensen" so she doesn't have to change her name much. We had a good laugh about that when another member of the ward came over and facetiously remarked that she shouldn't be discussing marriage. After all, we were currently in the Mid-Single Adult Ward. That drew a good laugh as well.

Mafaufauga faaleagaga: I was listening to some John Bytheway talks this past week (they're real good, y'all should definitely check them out), and something struck me. He was talking about death, and how we as humans are afraid of death and we avoid it/avoid talking about it a lot throughout our lives. Two thoughts that were brought to my remembrance came from conference talks. I don't remember who gave them or when they were, but they are both really good.
First, in order to take the sting out of death, we would have to take the joy and love out of life.
Second, what if we are kept from the "joy of death" so that we will be more able to fully enjoy this life? Death brings a release from all worldly care and sorrow. Perhaps we're taught to be scared of death so that we will choose to be a part of this life and truly enjoy it more.
Once again, I dunno what to tell you about that, so I'll let you all make your own decisions and receive your own inspirations.

God is always good, and His gospel allows us to live again after death. Not only that, but His gospel promises a life that is (in my opinion) actually worth being a part of after death. And that is something worth living for.

Alofa tele lava atu ia outou,
Elder Hill

Fun city smog at night.
"Where's the Empire State Building? I know it's close" and then I looked up...
Yup, that entire building is one massive Macy's.
Like, ALL of that building is one Macy's.
I don't think you understand, IT'S ALL ONE MACY'S.

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