Monday, April 12, 2021

Pronounced Dead in 1970

Malo soifua!!!

Today on the Elder Hill Show:
*We put Cindy on baptismal date! 
*My first appearance on Saturday Science Guys was a smashing success. 
*I finally met both the wards that we cover here
*I went to Chinatown
*Repentance is cool

First off (and perhaps the best news) is that our friend Cindy accepted a baptismal invitation, and we put her on date! She's scheduled for May 9th, and she's super excited. There are still some roadblocks that need to be overcome, so any prayers would be very appreciated.

During the week, Elder Hamilton and I filmed and put together another episode of Saturday Science Guys (look on the Church of Jesus Christ in Manhattan Facebook page), and it was my first appearance. We had a lot of fun putting it together, and we got a lot of people to see it when it premiered on Saturday. Hopefully they continue to go well, and hopefully people will see them and find interest in learning more about the church.

Here is our Saturday Science Guys video:

Yesterday was the first time that I met both of the wards that we cover here. With last week being General Conference, I hadn't met or talked to almost anyone from either ward, so it was really nice to get to know some people. We attended the sacrament meeting for both the family ward and the MSA ward. The MSA also has an in person second hour class, so we had that right after their sacrament meeting. It was really weird to have an in person elders quorum meeting after over a year of virtual classes, but it was nice to see things a little closer to "normal" (if that word even applies anymore haha).

Today for P-day, we went to Chinatown. I'd been there two Wednesdays before for our district council meeting, but today we actually got to see the sights there. It was a pretty rainy and bleak day, so we didn't do a whole lot of wandering, but we visited some fun shops, and I got a couple of cool things. We got food at a super good dumpling place, and we ate at a nearby park. While we sat there, a bunch of tiny birds began to gather on the ground in front of us. If a piece of food ever fell onto the ground, they would swarm and try and get it. The eventual victor would grab the food in its beak and fly off to eat the spoils in solitude. It was kinda freaky at first haha, but it became kind of fun to mess with the birds. [Later, Elder Hill called this experience "Disney Princess-ing the birds."]

[Elder Hill forgot to write about what the subject line means, but he explained later.  While Elders Hill and Hamilton were in Chinatown, an older man came up and began talking to them.  His comments were strange and rambling.  One thing he said was sort of like this:  "I was pronounced dead in 1970, but then I moved to many other places, and because of time zones, I wasn't actually dead."]

I also got my second dose of the covid vaccine today, so that's pretty exciting. At this point, I'm just really hoping that Samoa will open up to allow vaccinated people to travel, but we'll just see what the future holds. 

Mafaufauga faʻaleagaga: This past week I've done a lot of study and given a lot of thought to the topic of repentance. Things have been weighing on my mind, and I opened up to whatever guidance or inspiration might be found. In the course of my studies, I came across two essential aspects of repentance. 

First, repentance means change. It does not mean simply feeling bad, apologizing, and promising never to do it again. It means to make a physical and serious change in your life, mind, body, thoughts, etc so that you simply won't be in a situation where you could make the same mistake again. 

Second, when you've worked and struggled through repentance, and you've forsaken your past sins or trials, simply let them go. To quote the prophet Alma, "I desire that ye should let these things trouble you no more, and only let your sins trouble you, with that trouble which shall bring you down unto repentance." (Alma 42:29). And finally, to quote one of the favorite maxims of the NYNYC mission:
"Repentance is cool." 

Alofa tele lava atu ia outou,
Elder Hill 


Some fun pics of spring and rain
More pics of the city in the rain

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