Malo Soifua!!!
Today on the Elder Hill Show:
** Had Interviews with Pres Holmes, and it was fire like always (except for when he kept talking about going home soon 😑😭)
** We've been hitting the grind with train contacting this week, and it's been super fun
** General Conference was SO GOOD
things first, I need all y'all's help. Our mission has a goal of 140
baptisms this month, and we're all super excited to make it happen. My
only request is for ALL OF YOU to pray for the missionaries and friends
here in NYC. Pray that we'll be able to find those who will get
baptized. Pray that our friends will be able to overcome their
roadblocks. Pray that we can hit our goals and bring salvation to "some
few souls" here in the greatest city in the world. Thanks, love y'all.
with Pres Holmes are always amazing, and this one was no exception. The
part I hated was when we first sat down, and he turned on his laptop.
He pulled up my profile on the missionary portal, and said, "
I'm gonna miss you." Not gonna lie, that one hurt. He asked me about
some of my plans for after the mission, and it felt soooo weird. I'm
trying so hard to avoid that line of thinking, but it just keeps coming
back up. Just gotta keep grinding, keep clearing train cars, and
focusing on God and others.
of clearing train cars. Our new goal is to clear train cars, meaning we
talk to every single soul in our car before we get to the next stop. It
means we have to be fast, effective, and talking with EVERYONE. We've
had our ups and downs with it, but we've had a lot of fun and seen some
awesome miracles. The grind is real, and the miracle is real.
faaleagaga: General Conference was literally so amazing. They get
better every time (maybe I just get better at paying attention lol), and
I definitely learned a lot and had some questions answered. Definitely
go and watch any/all of the sessions or talks when they're made
individually available. They can change your life.
favorite quote was a thought inspired by Elder Jörg Klebingat when he
spoke on courage and faith. I paraphrased his words and added a little
of my own:
"May it be my lot to be counted worthy
to bear shame for the name of Christ. As weak as flesh may be, let my
spirit yet be more willing. May I never feel the need to apologize for
what I know to be true."
Alofa tele lava atu ia outou uma,
Elder Hill
- Lots of beautiful sunsets from the same subway platform (ft. Manhattan skyline in the distance)
- Candy LEGO tank (ahhh, the memories)
- Pics from P-day at Flushing Meadows Corona Park
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